Trusted Setup

Semacaulk requires a securely run trusted setup. Specifically, for a capacity of \(2^n\) elements, it requires \(2^n + 1\) \({g_1}^{\tau}\) points and \(2^n\) \({g_2}^{\tau}\) points where \(\tau\) is highly unlikely to be known but \({g_1}^{\tau}\) and \({g_2}^{\tau}\) can be generated via a multi-party ceremony. As long as one participant does not reveal and destroys the secret so-called toxic waste that they use, the entire ceremony is secure.

For compatibility with Ethereum, Semacaulk is built on the BN254 curve. As such, the output of the Perpetual Powers of Tau ceremony can be used. The outputs of this ceremony include up to \(2^{28}\) \({g_1}^{\tau}\) and \({g_2}^{\tau}\) points. If Semacaulk is to be used on a different elliptic curve, a different trusted setup must be used.

For the sake of convenience, we recommend the trusted setup output from Hermez Network, which consist of the 54th contribution of Perpetual Powers of Tau (PPOT) with a random beacon. These files can be downloaded from this page. (You may also use the latest contribution to PPOT, but at the time of writing, a tool to parse and convert it has not yet been written.)

Note that the Aztec Ignition ceremony output is not sufficient for Semacaulk as only provides 1 tauG2 point, while Semacaulk requires as many tauG2 points as the maximum desired capacity of the accumulator.

Processing the points

Semacaulk's demo binary requires two inputs: a .hex file containing the trusted setup outputs, and another file containing the KZG commitments to the Lagrange basis polynomials generated using said trusted setup outputs.

To produce the former, use the export-ptau-points tool. First, download Hermez Network .ptau file with at least \(2^{11}\) points. In this example, we choose \(2^{11}\) for a maximum capacity of 2048:


In export-ptau-points, run:

npm i && npm run build && \
node build/index.js -p powersOfTau28_hez_final_11.ptau -o ./11.hex --num-g1 2049 --num-g2 2048

Build and run the setup binary from the Semacaulk repository:

cargo build --release

To produce the latter, run the setup binary:

./target/release/setup 11 ./path/to/11.hex lagrangeComms_11

You are now ready to run the demo according to the instructions in the quick start page.